Handyman Services Program
The Ken-Ton Meals on Wheels Handyman Service Program provides simple in home services to our clients .
In the Fall of 2018, Ken-Ton Meals on Wheels received a grant from the Health Foundation of Western and Central New York to institute the Handyman Program. The program was conceived to allow our neighbors to stay safe and independent in their homes longer. Our Handyman Advisory Board, along with our Volunteers assess every request.
- Residents of the Town of Tonawanda or Village of Kenmore are eligible for this service.
- All projects will need to be completed in a manageable two hour time table
- The cost(s) incurred by client are for materials only
- If the job is deemed too involved for our team we will help refer the client to a partner contractor of the KTMOWHSP
- If you are interested in being a volunteer for the Handyman Services Program please call 874-3595
To request work, complete the form below:
Handyman Service Work Request