Your Financial Support is Critical to Ken-Ton Meals on Wheels
Like most nonprofits, KTMOW has experienced many financial challenges.
Program costs for food and meal packaging supplies continue to rise and program income does not always keep pace. While our clients contribute toward the cost of their meals, actual costs greatly exceed the client payments.
We rely on funds raised through special events and donations from caring citizens like you to make up the difference and provide funds to improve our services and equipment.
We are the only Meals on Wheels program serving the Ken-Ton area. We are not affiliated in any way with the Meals on Wheels Foundation of Western New York.
You can donate funds through the United Way campaign at your office (if there is one). If you designate KEN-TON MEALS ON WHEELS as the recipient of your United Way donation, the check will come to us.
If your company has a matching program, you can double your donation. Designate KEN-TON MEALS ON WHEELS as the charity of your choice and your donation plus the company match will come to us.
Please remember to designate KEN-TON MEALS ON WHEELS. There are a number of Meals on Wheels agencies in Western New York, we are the only one that serves residents in the Village of Kenmore and Town of Tonawanda.